There were two reasons for making orange brownies.
1) We've been making a lot of chocolate stuff recently
2) We've got a glut of oranges at the moment. Oranges, like bananas, in our house are one of those things that either go really quickly, or never get eaten. And with a bowl full of oranges on the turn at home, I thought....I know....I'm going to use 4 in a brownie recipe!
So thus I present the luxurious yet decidedly fresh Orange Drizzle Brownies!
Are they brownies though, without chocolate in? The name seems misleading. It is a typical brownie recipe, which uses eggs for the rise rather than raising agent, but they are obviously not 'brown' :)
Anywho, this recipe makes 18 small brownies and they are utterly delicious. Light and fluffy, yet a bit crunchy on the top, and topped with an orange sticky glaze for added sumptuousness. They make a lovely alternative to the rich chocolate brownie we're all used to.
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